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To all speedster owners and interested parties
Discussion about forming a Pre-War Speedster section within the VCCC WA club
The formation of a speedster group has been talked about for a few years as a way of speedster builders getting more opportunities to use their cars. The aim is to foster the use in Western Australia of speedsters and other cars which fall within a broad category of speedsters. The aim is to have a section of the club which caters for these pre-war cars and runs activities suitable for them. The group is entirely separate from the Lake Perkolilli Red Dust Revival Motor Sports Club Inc.
If you are interested in discussing the formation of a Pre-War Speedster Section within the VCCC, you’re invited to attend a meeting at the VCCC Clubrooms at 265 Hale Rd Wattle Grove on Sunday 12th May at 10am. You don’t have to be a member of the VCCC to come to this meeting, but if a section is formed and you would like to participate then you would need to become a member of the VCCC. So, if you have an interest in Pre-War Speedsters, and an interest in participating in Speedster related events, then join us at the meeting.
Please RSVP by email to and put "Speedsters Section" in the subject heading by Thursday 9th May, as he needs to know numbers for catering. Please direct all enquiries to Neil. The meeting will only take about an hour but could be the beginning of an exciting new chapter in the old car movement in our State.
For further information contact Neil Pitman and put "Speedsters Section" in the subject heading
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