Veteran & Classic Car Club of W.A.

Concessional Vehicle Licencing - Dept of Transport (DoT) Code 404

In Western Australia, the concessional registration of eligible Historic Vehicles is subject to arrangements negotiated between the Department of Transport and the Council of Motoring Clubs of WA. As an eligible member of the CMC, the VCC is able to make concessional registration Code 404 available to its members.

Over the past few years number of changes have taken place to Code 404 which are the regulations by which the concessional licence for unmodified vehicles over 25 years old is based, the latest changes came into force from December 19, 2016.

Some Helpful Information Links for Concessional Licencing Code 404

     You will require this form if you want to change your current licensed vehicle to a concessional licence.
      Currently licensed vehicles within WA are NOT required to undergo an inspection prior to applying for the 404 concession. The                 owner simply takes the current licence papers, a copy of their club financial letter (form CMC1) and completed form E81 to any               Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) Centre. Note: Your signature must be witnessed - hence do not sign before attending the                     Licensing Centre. The counter staff can witness your signature on the E81.
  • CMC1 Form - Certification of Financial Membership
    This has to be completed by an Authorised Person of the VCCC. Normally, this will be the Vehicle Registrar. The Club is unable to provide this endorsement unless there is evidence that the applicant has a set of "Historic" license plates available to be fitted to the vehicle. These plates are available for purchase from the Club web site or the Wattle Grove Parts Shed. 

Questions, Ask in the General Discussion Forum
you can ask questions about DoT Concessional Vehicle Licencing Code 404 in the forum
subject:  DoT Concessional Vehicle Licencing - Code 404

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