Veteran & Classic Car Club of W.A.

Club & Motoring News

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  • 8 Jun 2024 12:23 PM | John Oldland (Administrator)

    July is membership renewal month

    If you did not make an early membership renewal payment in June, your membership renewal invoice will be sent on 1 July to your email address, or for those members without an email address, to your postal address.  If you DO NOT renew by 31 July, you become an unfinancial member of the VCCC of WA.

    Larraine Deacon

    Membership Registrar

  • 6 Jun 2024 2:00 PM | John Oldland (Administrator)

    Important Note

    The Next Club Meeting will not be on Thursday Night  27 June 2024

    but will instead be on

    SUNDAY 23 June 2424 at 11 AM

    at the Club Rooms, 256 Hale Rd, Wattle Grove

    Members are invited to attend our monthly General Meeting. We are trying something different this month meeting on a Sunday at 11am. Given it is winter, if the day is OK it gives members a reason to bring their toy out of hibernation for a run. 

    We will attempt bribery with a sausage sizzle after the meeting. 

    Register On-Line as we meed to know how many are coming !

  • 4 Feb 2023 9:42 AM | John Oldland (Administrator)

    RALLYWEST SEPT 2024 / 2025

    Volunteers urgently required to fill the following Event Team positions:

    • Ø  RALLY DIRECTOR  - manage,  support and guide the Events Team, to ensure planning and implementation of a successful event;
    • Ø  ASST. DIRECTOR – various general duties assisting the Rally Director, and administration of Rally Registration;
    • Ø  SECRETARY – general secretarial duties to the Director & Asst. Director & where required, administration of Rally Registration;
    • Ø  SPONSORSHIP OFFICER – direct communication with various organisations sourcing donations of monies and/or merchandise;
    • Ø  TREASURER – general accounting duties;
    • Ø  CATERING CO-ORDINATOR – Organisation of catering for Morning Tea & Lunch, & reservations/planning for Presentation Dinner;
    • Ø  CLERK OF COURSE x 2 positions - incl various duties eg location scout for route, route planning, venue bookings for morning tea, lunch etc, preparation of route sheets, organisation of check points;
    • Ø  VEHICLE CO-ORDINATOR – incl general marshalling and assisting Clerk of Course as and when required;
    • Ø  PHOTOGRAPHER/PUBLICITY OFFICER – day-to-day photographic duties capturing daily events for publication on various media platforms such as Facebook,  the Club’s website and Club’s publications such as Early Auto magazine;
    • Ø  MERCHANDISING /PRINTING OFFICER – sourcing of merchandise and printing of various documents, publications, flyers, etc.

    NOTE: It is the Club’s intention to hold this event in Sept. 2024 (Date and Venue TBA). However, circumstances may require us to reschedule the event to Sept. 2025.  Should the Club be unsuccessful in recruiting a Rally Director, regrettably RallyWest will be postponed.

    If you think you can help the Club and are interested in any of the positions listed above,  please Register using this link, OR contact Chris Lodewyke, Club Events Co-Ordinator on 0401 432 063 / 9291 0963  or email    

  • 23 Jun 2022 3:52 PM | John Oldland (Administrator)

    It is still possible to opt out of receiving the early auto magazine by post and save yourself $20 pa, by following the instructions found by clicking on the link below. You may still change your preference up to the 30th June. After that date, no further changes will be possible until next year's (2023/24) renewal period. 

    As you have been advised, the Department of Transport requirements around concessional registration will require us to be quite strict on membership renewal dates going forward. Some members have advised that they are away during July and are concerned they may overlook their renewal. 

    Whilst the membership renewal invoices will only be generated and sent on 1 July, if you wish to pay early you may now do so, using a Credit Card and Stripe, on line, by following these instructions .

  • 11 Jun 2022 1:18 PM | John Oldland (Administrator)

    Having trouble updating your details in the Club website ??

    Do you want to opt-out of receiving the posted Early Auto magazine and save $20 p.a. and don't know how ??

    How do you add or remove your vehicles in the club  vehicle register ??

    I will be available in the Library at the Wattle Grove Club Rooms on Wednesday mornings 10 am – 11 am during June and July to assist members and future members with any queries regarding membership.

    Larraine Deacon
    Membership Registrar

  • 17 Apr 2022 2:02 PM | John Oldland (Administrator)

    Photos from Perth to Armadale Veteran Run April 2022

    are now in the Members Event Photo Page

  • 29 Jan 2022 10:45 AM | John Oldland (Administrator)

    Spare Parts Index and Location Maps

    The Spare Parts index is a work in progress as new listings are made and locations of parts are rearranged, check out where your part is now.

    You can now download a copy of the current
    Spare Parts Location Index and Location Maps

    Click here to check out the Spare Parts Pages 

  • 26 Nov 2021 10:16 AM | John Oldland (Administrator)

    Latest Concessional Code 404 update

    The good news is that there will be no changes to the current DoT Concessional Vehicle Licencing Code 404.

    There were a few points raised by CMC member clubs which were addressed in the linked document below from the DoT.  

    DoT Clarification of Rules Nov21.pdf

    Just a few notes to clarify the points raised in this document

    In regard to our club, the “Run Log” is the “Impromptu Run Registration Form” which is accessible in the members area on the club website, or by using the Impromptu Run Event in the Wild Apricot for members App on your phone.

    The “Identifier Labels” are the descriptive identifiers of either ‘VETERAN’, ‘VINTAGE’, ‘POST VINTAGE’, ‘INVITATION’ or ‘HISTORIC’.

    All of the relevant information in regard to the Dot Code 404 rules are available on the Council of Motoring Clubs website,
    where you will find a link to the Code 404 Handbook V4 and other Code 404 information and forms.

  • 16 Sep 2021 5:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Following a recommendation from a subcommittee led by our Vehicle Registrar, Dave Reid, the Executive Committee made an in principle decision to proceed to make application to the DoT to take on concessional registration code C4C within the club.

    The Club has formulated a policy that addresses the extent of vehicle modification acceptable for vehicles to be placed on the Club's register. This Policy can can be found under the C4C category of Vehicle Licensing.

    Essentially, the Club will not be handling Street Rod Machines, Hot Rods or other highly modified vehicles. We will only be catering for vehicles that retain their original body structure.

    The Committee is pleased to advise that C4C registration is now available to members.  Please go to the vehicle Licensing section of the Home page and follow the instructions for making application for your  C4C eligible vehicle. 

  • 11 Sep 2021 4:10 PM | John Oldland (Administrator)

    A new forum has been created for members to use,
    it is the  Other Motoring Activities Forum

    Members can use this to advertise other Events that are either not organised by this club, or classed as a club sanctioned Event, ( a sanctioned event is one that is run by another club but is open for other clubs to attend using their 404 concessionally licensed vehicles ).

    General Discussion Forum
    Classified Adds Forum
    Spare Parts Shed forum

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